Business Blockchain Fundamentals Lab

Instructors: Wu-chang Feng & Wenjing Wu

Course Description This class provides an overview of blockchain systems, how they are built, and how they can be exploited. Students will get hands-on experience working with public blockchains such as Ethereum. They will then examine security vulnerabilities in blockchain systems and how they may be exploited.


Course objectives

  • Examine the underpinnings of blockchain systems and their applications
  • Deploy blockchain applications and smart contracts (DApps)
  • Analyze smart contracts for security vulnerabilities
  • Exploit smart contract vulnerabilities


Screencast viewership on Media Space
Lab notebook 70%

Inclusiveness To encourage collaboration and to establish a positive learning community, mutual respect, tolerance, and encouragement are expected on the Slack channel, while comments seeking to demean, embarrass, or otherwise disrupt others' ability to learn are not.
Assignments and notebook
Assignments will be given covering the course material. You will perform each one, while maintaining a lab notebook that documents your progress through the exercises.  Include screenshots and ensure that they include  your OdinID in them.  You will submit your final lab notebook on D2L. The notebook will be graded based upon the following rubric:
  • Neatness and organization
  • Completeness
  • Inclusion of OdinID or project identifier in screenshots
Academic misconduct
  • Includes allowing another student to copy your work unless specifically allowed by the instructor.
  • Includes copying blocks of code from external sources without proper attribution
  • Results in a grade of 0 for the assignment or exam.
  • Results in the initiation of disciplinary action at the university level.